Meet the Mayor
Here is the gist of the program
A Few Guidelines
- Monday through Friday, throughout the average workday calendar year; the Mayor shall either add 1 hour to his day or subtract an hour from other activities to provide 1 hour for the public to..."meet the Mayor".
- 10 appointments will be available through "first come first serve" booking on social media such as facebook.
- There will also be 5 "first come first serve" additional walk up appointments added.
- After you get a chance for a meeting, please allow a month for another meeting to give everyone a chance
- If a translator is needed...bring one along. This program must be at no cost.
Do's and Don'ts
-Place all ideas of political and opinion related items on a red index card for later review- this is just a meeting with the Mayor, and to open city hall. People should feel comfortable enough to come to city hall in their hometown.
-Place all ideas for city improvement on a green index card. For the same reason as above.
-Come prepared to sit and talk with the Mayor for at least 5-10 minutes.
-Bring your anecdotes and stories
-Bring pictures of your loved ones( that includes pets )
-Bring your family if you like
-Bring a positive and confident attitude
-Arrive Inebriated
-Arrive Angry
- The entire spirit of the program is to open city hall, and to make everyone in Hamilton welcome in their own city. So the only other don't
-Don't ruin things for others